Sister Susan Louise Eder Memorial Fund
We remember and honor our beloved principal, Sister Susan Louise. She was a remarkable leader who remained dedicated to IHM School even during her illness. Sister encouraged us to support each other through prayer, and she was a source of wisdom, love, and experience for all of us. Let us unite and pledge to continue Sister’s legacy. Following her motto of “Live Jesus,” we can combine our strength and faith to work together, just as she did. We can build on the solid foundation she laid and continue her important work. Your remembrance gift will directly benefit Sister Susan Louise’s vocation, IHM School.
Ready to explore Immaculate Heart of Mary?
Immaculate Heart of Mary School is located in Towson, Maryland. It is a private Catholic School for students in grades PreK through 8th grade. If you are interested in learning more about the admissions process for the upcoming school year we encourage you to contact us today!