IHM is a green school which means we try to limit waste, upcycle materials into useful things, and educate others about what it means to help the Earth. This year, IHM is recertifying as a green school through MAEOE, which stands for Maryland Association for Environmental and Outdoor Education. In celebration, students watched a video that included pictures of the most recent addition to IHM: a native Maryland plant garden! The video also contained pictures of IHM students being ‘green’. As well as serving as an announcement for recertification, students also acknowledged the conclusion of HIspanice Heritage Month by constructing a mandala turtle. Mandalas remind us that everything in the world is connected and depend on one another, just like we help each other and our Earth. Congratulations to the eco-club for preparing and planting the new garden!
IHM School Is Proud To Announce We Are a Green School!