Before & After School Care

Before and After School Program

Beyond the Bell

IHM is pleased to offer our own before and after school child care program: Beyond the Bell. The program will be available to all IHM students in full day Pre-K to 8th Grade. Places will be reserved as registrations are received, so we encourage parents to register their students promptly.



Daily Schedule

Before School Care 7:00 am – 7:50 am

After School Care 3:00 pm – 6:00 pm

Scheduled Half Days 12:15 pm – 6:00 pm

We will begin on the first full day of school.

The program will not be open on holidays, scheduled days off, or on days when school is closed due to weather.

If there is an hour delay, Beyond the Bell will open at 8am. If there is a two hour delay, Beyond the Bell will open at 9am. 

If school is dismissed early due to weather, we will be closed.

If Baltimore County cancels all afternoon and evening activities, we will be closed.

Costs for the School Year 2024-2025

Costs do not include after school care on scheduled half days. A late pick up fee of $25 fee will be added for each 15 minutes.

Full Time 

Full time enrollment allows students to participate in before care, after care, or both 4-5 days a week to be paid monthly.


Full Time Enrollment Costs per Year

Billed Through FACTS
Before Care – Family Rate After Care – Family Rate Before & After Care – Family Rate
1 Child $1,860 $2,930 $3,980
2 Children $3,520 $5,300 $7,740
3 Children $4,920 $7,170 $10,500


Part Time 

Part time enrollment allows students to receive before care, after care, or both 1-3 specific days per week.

Part-Time Enrollment Costs Per Year

Before Care Per Child After Care Per Child Before & After Care Per Child
1 day $490 $750 $1,020
2 days $980 $1,500 $2,010
3 days $1,470 $2,250 $3,000


Half Days

Dates to be determined once school calendar is set. Families will be charged for ALL scheduled half days for the whole year, whether child is in attendance or not.

Half Day Enrollment Costs per Year Billed Through FACTS

1 Child Family Rate 2 Children Family Rate 3 Children Family Rate
$325 $500 $715



A total of ten monthly payments will be made, beginning July and ending April.

Unless payment is made in full, all are required to use the FACTS program for payment.

If a family has unpaid before/after school care fees, progress reports and school records will be withheld by the Administration until balance due is paid in full.


Registration Fee (non-refundable)

$35 per child – for NEW students to Beyond the Bell

$25 per child – for returning families those families returning to Beyond the Bell

Fees are to be paid monthly through FACTS tuition plan each month.

Late Pick-up Fee

$25 fee will be added for each 15 minutes

Administrative Fee

Any changes requested by the parent will be subject to $25 administrative fee


You may direct any questions to:

Kathy Thomas, Director

Beyond the Bell

410-668-2616 (direct)


The State of Maryland requires a separate set of forms to be completed to be enrolled in our Beyond the Bell program.

Please complete:

Emergency contact form BTB

Ready to explore Immaculate Heart of Mary?

Immaculate Heart of Mary School is located in Towson, Maryland. It is a private Catholic School for students in grades PreK through 8th grade. If you are interested in learning more about the admissions process for the upcoming school year we encourage you to contact us today!